

获得经济援助的资格取决于许多因素, 从你的学术成就到你家庭的经济状况. 你是否对奖学金感兴趣, 联邦需求贷款, 或者是所有可用援助类型的混合, 要想知道你的家庭是否有资格获得所有的援助,唯一的方法就是 完成FAFSA.


如果你被洛约拉录取了, 那你已经在考虑申请奖学金了! 所有被易胜博录取的学生都会根据他们在入学申请中提供的信息自动考虑获得优秀奖学金. 学业成绩等因素, 标准化考试成绩, 在颁发优秀学生奖学金时,会考虑到易胜博服务. 你不需要做任何其他事情来申请机构优秀奖学金——你有资格获得的任何优秀奖学金都将包含在你的经济援助奖励包中.


To be considered for need-based aid at 易胜博, you must first complete 和 提交FAFSA. We encourage you to 完成FAFSA as soon as possible; the earlier you apply, 你就越有可能获得最高奖励. FAFSA将于10月9日生效. 每年1次. 为了获得最大限度的资助,新生应该在申请截止日期前提交FAFSA 优先截止日期为3月1日. (返校学生申请截止日期为5月1日.) By meeting the filing deadlines, you will be considered for maximum state or institutional aid.

Completing the FAFSA is a good idea even if you don’t think your family qualifies for need-based aid. 提交FAFSA是免费的,并且使您有资格获得非基于需求的计划.

一旦你的FAFSA已经归档和处理, 你会被考虑申请联邦经济援助, 路易斯安那州援助(如果你住在洛杉矶), 以及针对洛约拉大学的财政援助项目.



  1. 通过财政援助申请过程证明经济需要. 必须每年完成FAFSA吗.

  2. 保持良好的成绩和令人满意的学业进步.

  3. Not be in default on any federal Title IV loan program 和 not owe a repayment of a federal grant or scholarship.

  4. 不攻读学位的学生, 或者参加证书课程, 没有资格申请经济援助.

只要学生保持全日制入学并保持令人满意的学业进步,洛约拉优秀奖学金每年都会自动续签. 洛约拉优秀奖学金的续期为 新生八个学期转学生六个学期.


易胜博, 根据联邦法规, 审查所有学生的学习成绩,以确定每个学生是否在获得学位方面取得了令人满意的学业进步(SAP). This review is conducted at the conclusion of each payment period 和 includes both qualitative 和 quantitative requirements.

To monitor the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) of students applying for or receiving Title IV funds, Loyola uses the following requirements (these requirements will also apply to Loyola aid):

  1. 平均绩点-保持至少2分.0累积绩点
  2. 前进速度-超过66.67%的尝试时间.
    1. 例子: 如果在秋季尝试的总学分等于15个学分, 学生必须通过10个或更多的学分才能达到66分.67%完成率. (15学分 .67= 10学时)
  3. Maximum time frame- Total attempted hours must not exceed 150% of the published length of a student’s degree program.
    1. 例子: If the total credits in 学生’s degree plan are 120 hours, then the 150% maximum is 180. (120 x 1.5= 180)

所有参加 所有获得学位的课程,累积平均绩点必须不低于2分.0并且成功完成至少66.67%的尝试学分.  成绩不全(I), Failed (F) or Withdrawn (W) will be considered attempted credits but not successfully completed.  All transfer credits which fulfill degree requirements will be included in attempted 和 earned credits.  在任何给定的课程中进行多次尝试, will count towards attempted credits regardless of how they are treated in a student’s GPA (ex. 学术宽恕).  换专业的学生将在GPA要求和完成要求中考虑所有课程.

If a student is found to not be making Satisfactory Academic Progress they will be granted 一个财政援助警告学期. 学生将收到有关此状态的书面通知,并将有一个付款期,在此期间,他们可以继续获得联邦财政援助,同时努力恢复令人满意的学业进步.  财政援助警告不予上诉.  如果在警告期结束时,学生没有做SAP, 他们将收到通知,他们没有资格获得经济援助.

在经济援助警告学期结束后,被发现没有资格获得经济援助的学生将被告知他们的上诉权利,并给出关于上诉标准和文件的明确指示.  具体地说, 申诉应详细说明导致学术问题的原因, how those have been addressed 和 what will be done to gain 和 maintain SAP in the future. 


  • 尝试信用-学生注册的所有学分都被视为尝试学分, 课程是否完成. 重修课程,成绩为F, 退课(W), 学生因未参加而被退学的课程, 和未完成的课程(1),)在学期结束时被包括在内.
  • 未完成学分(一)-如果学生由于无法控制的原因无法在学期内完成规定的课程,可能会被给予临时不完整成绩(“I”). 尝试学分,但没有完成(I)被包括在尝试学分. If an undergraduate course remains incomplete after 6 weeks from the start of the following term, 类被编码为失败(F).  For the entire Incomplete grade policy please see the current undergraduate university bulletin.
  • 重复的学分-由于学生可能会在完成课程后获得资助,他们只希望重修一次. Please see entire policy for Academic Amnesty in the current undergraduate university bulletin.
  • 转移学分—Hours transferred to 易胜博 will be counted as attempted 和 earned.  The transfer GPA will only be used for admission purposes 和 will not be calculated in 学生’s overall GPA.



In the event that a student fails to meet any of the above criteria at the end of an academic term (fall, 春季或夏季) they will be placed on 助学金警告 for the next payment period. While such students are not required to take any action 和 will be eligible to receive aid for one subsequent term (fall, 春季或夏季), 我们鼓励他们与学生成功教练或学术顾问会面.

At the end of the 助学金警告 period one of the following actions will occur: 1) A student is removed from 助学金警告 if 学生 is now meeting all SAP st和ards; or 2) A student is placed on 暂停资助 if, 警戒期后未达到总体SAP.


任何未达到学期要求的经济援助警告学生将被暂停经济援助,并且不再有资格获得任何形式的经济援助, 包括贷款. 如果学生符合以下条件之一,可以恢复经济援助资格:

  1. 注册并完成课程,提高他/她的GPA和/或完成率,以达到SAP标准(这些课程不提供资助)
  2. OR成功上诉暂停状态.


A student has the right to appeal a suspension of financial aid due to mitigating circumstances such as, 但不限于, 疾病, 服兵役, 受伤, 或者在特殊情况下. 以下必须填写并提交给财政援助办公室:

  • Appeals must be submitted to the 金融援助 Office using the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form.  上诉必须解释为什么学生没有通过SAP,以及他们的情况发生了什么变化,使得学生现在在学业上取得了成功.
  • Adequate documentation verifying the special circumstances must be attached (such as a doctor’s letter or third-party letter).
  • Appeals will be reviewed by the office within two weeks of the date the appeal is received, 上诉决定的通知将发送到学生的学校电子邮件帐户.
  • 如果学生的SAP上诉被拒绝, 学生 will remain on 暂停资助 until he or she meets the requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • 如果学生的SAP上诉被批准, 学生 will be placed on financial aid probation 和 will automatically be placed on a SAP 学术计划.


上诉通过后,学生将获得经济援助试用期.  A student on probation must meet with a 学生的成功 Coach from the 学生的成功 Center to create an academic plan. 

作为经济援助缓刑的条件, 学生 must adhere to all requirements outlined in the completed 和 signed academic plan.   The academic plan will include the performance expectations for the term or terms of the 经济援助试用期. 学术计划将在每学期结束时进行审查. 是否达到了学术计划的期望, 学术计划将继续到下一学期,直到学生因满足总体SAP而重新获得资格, 或者已经毕业了.  如果学生未能达到学业计划上列出的期望, he/she will be placed back on 暂停资助 和 is not eligible to receive financial aid until he/she meets SAP.



必须满足学术计划中的要求才能重新获得资格.  Students will need to meet the st和ards of the 学术计划 each payment period until meeting overall SAP st和ards.  休学一段时间后,学业计划可能需要调整. 


  1. 平均成绩达到2分.每个付款期3美元或更多
  2. 每个付款期尝试的总时数超过67%

联邦财政援助基金授予学生的前提是该学生将在获得援助的整个期间上学. 当学生退学时, 学生 may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that 学生 was originally scheduled to receive.

If a recipient of Title IV grant or loan funds withdraws from a school after beginning attendance, 学生获得的第四章助学金或贷款援助的金额必须确定. 如果支付给学生的金额大于学生所赚取的金额, 未赚的钱必须退还. 如果支付给学生的金额少于学生的收入, 并且学生在其他方面符合资格, he or she is eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received.

学生奖励将根据学生向大学官员表示退学意向之前的学期天数进行调整,以反映获得的援助百分比. Students that withdraw after the 60% mark of the payment period are considered to have earned 100% of their pay period award. 如果学生获得的第四章助学金多于所获得的金额, 这所学校, 学生, 或者两者都必须按照指定的顺序返回未赚的资金.  要退回的联邦学生援助金额是通过从实际支付的第四章援助金额中减去获得的第四章援助金额来确定的. 如果学生获得的联邦学生资助少于其所挣的钱, 对于未收到的获得的资助,将提供取款后的支付.

这些资金必须由学校归还给联邦项目, 学生在支付期内获得的资助, 会按照以下顺序退货吗, 以从每个来源支付的净额为限:

  • 无补贴直接贷款(不包括直接PLUS贷款)

  • 直接补贴贷款

  • 直接PLUS贷款

  • 联邦佩尔助学金,需要申报

  • 联邦补充教育计划. 需要返还资金的补助金(FSEOG)

  • 需要申报的教育补助金

  • 伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金,需要申报

在某些情况下, 学生 is responsible to return unearned Title IV program assistance (not returned by 这所学校). This amount is determined by subtracting the amount returned from school from the amount of unearned funds.  This is the initial amount due from 学生 as a student does not have to return the full amount of any grant repayment due. 学生应多付的补助金金额限于原始补助金多付的金额超过已支付的第四章补助金总额的一半,并且可以支付给学生.


The student is obligated to return any Title IV overpayment in the same order that is required for schools.


  • 立即全额偿还贷款机构;

  • repayment arrangements satisfactory to 这所学校; or

  • 与债务解决服务机构协商超额收款程序.


联邦学费援助基金是代表学生支付的,前提是学生将在支付援助的整个期间上学. 当学生退学时, 学生可能不再有资格获得学生最初计划获得的全额学费援助资金.

If a recipient of tuition assistance funds withdraws from a school after beginning attendance, 必须确定学生获得的学费援助金额. 如果支付给学生的金额大于学生所赚取的金额, 未赚的钱必须退还.

学生的学费援助将根据学生向大学官员表示退学意向之前的学期天数来调整,以反映获得的援助百分比. Students that withdraw after the 60% mark of the payment period are considered to have earned 100% of their pay period award. 如果学生获得的学费补助多于自己挣的钱, 学校必须退还未赚的钱.  退还的学费援助金额是通过从实际支付的金额中减去获得的学费援助金额来确定的.